The Wind Breaker (Item No. 671432) was a yo-yo produced by Auldey Toys in 2007 for its Blazing Teens 2 line-up of yo-yos.
The yo-yo is a clone of the Yomega Raider, but slightly smaller. The body of the yo-yo was made of a clear colorless plastic, but was painted in a metallic gold or silver color on the inside of the body. Because of the slightly smaller dimensions and lighter plastic used on the body, a black rubber weight ring was inserted into each half of the yo-yo, effectively bringing the weight of the yo-yo to 54 grams, which is comparable to an original Raider yo-yo.
- It is not uncommon to get a broken Wind Breaker yo-yo right out of the packaging. The plastic parts that hold the screws together break easily because they are so thin and brittle.
- The rubber weight rings inside make the yo-yo center-weighted and unstable when doing looping tricks.
The only difference between the initial China release and the subsequent International release of the Wind Breaker (Item No. YW671432) is that the logo prints on the side caps were translated into English.
Appearance in Blazing Teens 2[]
The Wind Breaker was one of two kinds of yo-yos belonging to Marco from the Lightning Yo-Yo Club. He has two Wind Breaker yo-yos: one gold and one silver.
- The rubber weights inside the yo-yo has the words "SUPER YO-YO" molded into it. That is because the rubber weights were originally introduced in Auldey's original 1999 "Super Yo-Yo" line as optional yo-yo parts that were sold separately (Item No. 601030) and can be equipped to any yo-yo in the line that had a body based on a Yomega yo-yo to make it heavier.