Brent Stole is a popular Green Triangle laceration invented by Alex Berenguel. The trick's name is a shortening and abbreviation of "the trick Brent Dellinger stole from Alex Berenguel at Nationals."
Brent competed as a finalist at the 2002 US National Yo-Yo Contest in Chico California. Alex was performing the trick to others at the contest but it did not have a name yet. However, there is footage of Brent landing this trick during his 2002 BAC freestyle (held months before Nationals) and other footage of him landing this trick in late 2001/early 2002. Brent would win his only US National title that year by a landslide (His final score was 91.0 and 2nd place Mark Montgomery had 66.6) and one of the banger tricks he used that got an audience reaction was a similar laceration to green triangle that Alex was doing.
To borrow magician terms method and effect. Brent used the effect of showcasing a laceration to instant green triangle which matched the same visual effect as Alex's trick, a new effect seen in yoyoing at the time. Brent used a different method in his freestyle where he performed a wrist whip inserting his non throw hand and sliding the wrist loop off all in one motion. Alex's does not perform a wrist whip in his version but instead forms the triangle by the whipping string loop wrapping over another string.
Brent Dellinger allegedly claimed he did not deliberately steal the trick, and that he was unaware that Berenguel had landed it first.
A while later Alex Berenguel would film a video with Doctor Popular showcasing the trick in a pseudo tutorial. There in filming Alex would suggest the name "The trick Brent stole from me at Nationals." (In those early stages of yoyoing, originality was a highly valued aspect of a yoyoer's creative prowess and was considered frowned upon to perform tricks created by your direct competitors.) Given Doc's M.O. in music and nerdcore, he would create a mashup song of Alex saying the name to create a catchy 27 second video. The video would be published May 4th 2004 and given the pre-youtube era the video was posted to yoyo forums and be hosted on the then popular but defunct website.
Many variations of the trick would be created since then, other named tricks in relation like Reverse Brent Stole, Neck Stole, Reverse Neck Stole, -1.5/1.5/2.0 Brent Stole, and the effect of an instant Green Triangle would also be created with the Ninja Vanish trick within a couple years of Brent Stole's publication.
The trick in principle has many overlapping concepts with the Hidemasa Hook and many suggest to learn that trick first.
To do the Brent Stole:[]
- Start with a breakaway.
- Whip up like doing a Laceration or a Hook.
- Intercept the inside segment of string that forms the loop with your non throwhand instead of both segments like you would a hook.
- Push your throwhand forward during the landing. This makes the slack loop fold around the string segment coming from your throwhand, then into the yo-yo.
- You should now be in a green triangle mount.