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HyperCluster MB2-S3 String Loop D FlashFenrir (Japanese: ハイパークラスターMB2-S3ストリングループDフラッシュフェンリル) is a yo-yo released in Bandai's HyperCluster series. It was released in Japan on July 21st, 2012.


FlashFenrir is a looping-type HyperCluster yo-yo featuring a disc-shaped Body with a high edge and narrow string gap for strong responsiveness in excellent looping performance. Instead of a starburst or response pads, FlashFenrir features a string-based response system.

Parts Overview[]

Body: Loop D FlashFenrir[]

These Body halves feature a distinctive, high-edged disc shape with a narrow string gap and the motif of the legendary wolf from Norse mythology, Fenrir. On each half is a different stylized depiction of Fenrir, and is semi-translucent yellow-green in color.

Core: String[]

This unique Core features a String On String response system, in which there are a series of holes with yo-yo string weaved through them for an adjustable responsiveness. It is complimented by starbursts for additional response.

Bearing and Spacers: MB2 and S3[]

Metal Bearing 2 (MB2) is a 5x10x4mm (A size) bearing. Metal Spacer 3 (S3) are aluminum spacers that can accommodate any A- or K-sized ball bearing.


  • It is also one of the few HyperClusters to come with an A-sized ball bearing as standard.
  • The only other known yo-yo to use a String On String response system is the YoYoFactory Loop 720. However, the FlashFenrir does not come included with a threading needle for the string. In addition, the string can't be re-weaved without taking the core apart.


External Link[]
