Chop sticks tricks are string tricks, that are done between the fingers of one hand. There are quite a number of mounts possible. Chop sticks mounts are often transitioned to standard two-handed mounts, so there are few tricks that can be classified as pure chop sticks tricks. Originally the Thumb Mount was intended as a picture trick (see infobox). However, a whole set of string tricks utilizing one handed mounts were developed afterwards.
Bounce the yo-yo up over your thumb and land it on the segment between thumb and index finger. Alternatively, you can also land on both strings.
To dismount, lengthen the mount by giving it string with your throw hand. Put your throw hand finger into the string (third picture) and pop the yo-yo out of the loop. Now swing it into a normal Double or Nothing and dismount.
This is basically the same thing as with two hands, except, that it is done not between your two index fingers, but between the index finger and thumb of the freehand.
Start like a trapeze, but instead of landig on the string, continue around your freehand thumb.
The Metronome is an advanced trick done from a Thumb Mount. The effect is, that the yo-yo is swung from hand to hand in a perpetual motion.
Swing the yo-yo from the thumb mount (while droppig the thumb loop) into a wrap around the throw hand.
Land on the segment between the throwhand thumb and middle finger.
Then throw the yo-yo around your throw hand, using the wrap as a rail. This move is a little bit like the Magic Drop in reverse. This lands you back in a normal trapeze.
Start over by doing the Thumb Mount again.
Landing in the wrist wrap (step 2/3) can be easily practised from a normal trapeze.