The Skyva is a yo-yo released in 2016 by MagicYoYo.
It was co-developed by MagicYoYo and Luftverk's head, Jeffery Peng.
The Skyva is a plastic yo-yo designed by Jeffery Peng at the behest of MagicYoYo six months prior to its release, giving him a chance to design something that nearly everyone could afford.
With fingerspinning having becoming prevalent in the world of yo-yo, Peng wanted to design a hub that could outperform any yo-yo at fingerspin tricks. For this, the Skyva's fingerspin side hubs are machined after injection molding to make them slick and seamless. It is a dual stage hub design, with the first stage that is easy to hit, and the second smaller one locking the player's finger in place for fingerspins.
The Skyva comes in a wide variety of color schemes, with clear or translucent colors having a string gap that is 5mm wider.
It also comes standard with a Center Trac C-bearing, used with YoYoFactory's permission, in addition to Luftverk's own 19mm OD LuftPADs for response.
When the Skyva had hit the market, it became a best-seller.