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Man on the Flying Trapeze
Trick also known as Trapeze
Type of Trick Sidestyle String
Invented by Classic
Difficulty RedStarRedStarGreyStarGreyStarGreyStar


The Man on the Flying Trapeze is probably the first sidestyle mount you will learn. Although the mount itself is simple, there are many complex tricks that can be done from a trapeze. Also, many tricks can be dismounted into a trapeze, so knowing how to dismount from the trapeze is a very useful thing.

This trick can be done with responsive and unresponsive yo-yos. For a beginner it is recommended, that you try this with a wide yo-yo, as this makes landing on the string easier. With a little practice, it becomes surprisingly easy to hit the string, even with a straight gapped yo-yo.



Step 1: Start with a Breakaway, the yo-yo is rotating clockwise (anti-clockwise for left-handers) when seen from the player's position. Let the yo-yo swing over to your free hand...


Step 2: ...and against the left index finger.


Step 3: Flip it around the index finger...


Step 4: ...coming down...


Step 5: ...onto the string. In the picture you can see, that the yo-yo is very close to the free hand. This way it is easier to hit the string with the yo-yo gap.


Step 6: The yo-yo has finally landed on the string.


Step 7: Cushion the landing by bringing your hands a little closer together.


Step 8: Once on the string, the yo-yo tries to roll towards your throw hand. Bring your hands closer together and see for yourself. This is more noticeable with a responsive yo-yo.

Flyaway Dismount[]


Step 9: To get the yo-yo back, give it a little slack and then...


Step 10: ...pull both hands apart,...


Step 11: ... catapulting the yo-yo upwards.


Step 12: Let go of the loop on your free hand index finger...


Step 13: ...and watch the yo-yo wind...


Step 14: ...and come back...


Step 15: ...to be caught with your throw hand. Catch from the bottom and you will have the yo-yo oriented correctly for the next throw.

Reverse Trapeze[]

Reverse Trapeze

A variation on the trapeze is the Reverse Trapeze. Here, even though it looks like a trapeze, the yo-yo does not lie on the string, but is hanging in a loop of string wound around the axle. As the string winding requires space, it is recommended to only try this with a wide gapped yo-yo.

The Reverse Trapeze is a basic ingredient in Binding.

Reverse Trapeze

This diagram shows this with an opened yo-yo from the player's perspective. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Notice that there are two kinds of Reverse Trapeze. One, where the string leading to the throw hand is behind the other string loop when seen from the player's position, and one where it is in front of the loop. The former is reached by the moves illustrated below, while the latter can be achieved when coming from a Reverse Slack Trapeze or a Hidemasa Hook.


Step 1: You can get into Reverse Trapeze from a Trapeze by popping the yo-yo up, like in the Flyaway Dismount,...


Step 2: ...but instead of releasing the loop from your index finger, you pinweel the yo-yo up...


Step 3: ...around the free hand...


Step 4: ...towards the string from the bottom.


Step 5: Let the yo-yo hit the string. At this moment you have to give the string a little slack by moving your throw hand closer to the free hand,...


Step 6: ...so the yo-yo can drag the string with it around your free hand.


Step 7: Let the string segment, which is coming from the throw hand, pass the free hand. If you would catch the segment with the free hand index finger, you would be in a sidestyle Under Mount, which is a different trick.


Step 8: Now you are in a Reverse Trapeze.

Contrary to the Trapeze, the yo-yo will not try to roll away from the free hand, but (unless you have an unresponsive yo-yo) roll towards it. As this shortens the string segment between axle and free hand, the yo-yo will wind up the excess string and snag. This effect is exploited when Binding and can be amplified by pulling upwards with the throw hand.
