The Samurai, released in 1999, was produced by SuperYo to compete with high-end metal yo-yos such as the ProYo Cold Fusion and the Tom Kuhn SB-2 among others of the time. Its Butterfly-shaped body is CNC-machined out of aluminum to a tolerance of +/- .0005 of an inch with a diamond finish, also featuring a redesigned version of the adjustable IntelliGap system.
The Samurai also featured friction sticker response, and one of the very first ceramic bearings seen in any production yo-yo; the SatinGlide bearing. This bearing helped the Samurai to spin much longer than anything with a stainless steel bearing of the time. It was this innovation that had allowed Matt Owen to set a former long sleeper record of 12 minutes 2 seconds on October 23rd, 1999. Its 2.1.0 construction makes it so that there are no parts to be lost.
It had an MSRP of around $130 USD when it was first released. This had made it one of the most expensive yo-yos of its time.
The first 1,000 Samurai yo-yos produced were of a limited collector's edition, each one with a special samurai engraving on one side.