Takahiko Hasegawa, better known as Taka, is a Japanese National Yo-Yo Master and owner of the Spingear store, located in Japan. Taka is a former member of Team Off-String, the founder and leader of Team Others and has also helped in the development of the Duncan Freehand Mg, a magnesium yo-yo with a $400 price-tag with Japanese yo-yo maker Shinobu Konmoto.
He has also been featured on the SuperYo Kickin' Tricks video. He was the yo-yoing stunt coordinator on the 2006 live action film Sukeban Deka (based on the classic live-action action series of the same name), known in the U.S. as Yo-Yo Girl Cop. He is known for inventing Soloham, a style of 4A tricks involving not one, but two offstring yo-yos. Taka is also recognized for his mods as well as his eccentric artistic performances at Worlds every single year.
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Team Division "Team Off-String" - 8th Place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - X Division - 2nd place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Team Division "Team Off-String" - 1st Place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - X Division - 2nd place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Team Division "Team Off-String" - 3rd Place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - X Division - 3rd place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Artistic Performance - 1st place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Artistic Performance - 1st place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Iron Mod - 2nd place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Iron Mod - 1st place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Artistic Performance - 3rd place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Iron Mod - 1st place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Artistic Performance - 1st place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Iron Mod - 2nd place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Artistic Performance - 2nd place
- World Yo-Yo Contest - Over 40 Division - 1st Place