The YO2 Delta is a yo-yo produced by Active People, first released in the mid-2000s. The idea was developed and proposed by Lee Spector, and the yo-yo itself was designed by Alex Hochstrasser. The selling point of the Delta, is that it could be thrown regularly like with any yo-yo, or horizontally like a spin top.
It has a distinctive conical profile that combines a slimline Modified shape with that of a spin top, forming an unusual hybrid. Its body construction consists of polycarbonate with a layer of kraton polymer, along with a zinc alloy weight disk on the widest point. Despite the shape, its weight distribution is well-balanced. It also has a stainless steel A-bearing held in place by a metal washer with an O-ring underneath. The O-ring also allows the user to adjust the string gap width a little. In addition, it features a traditional starburst response system.
See Also[]
- P213 - A design concept devised by DocPop combining a yo-yo and a spin top to create a hybrid of the two.
- G-Spin - Another yo-yo in the YO2 line that could be played like a yo-yo or a top.
- Terror Tops - Yo-yos made by Ed Davidson with spin top tips on the sides.