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The F.A.S.T. 401 SD is a yo-yo produced by YoYoFactory as part of the F.A.S.T. 400 series. It was first released on December 26th, 2008.


The F.A.S.T. 401 SD is similar in design to the older F.A.S.T. 401k, but is about 2mm narrower, along with the outer edges being thickened a little to form a slight H-shaped profile.

Nevertheless, it features the F.A.S.T. 400 Series shuttles and adjustment knobs. There are ninety response settings on each body half of the yo-yo, and the shuttles can be interchanged with response pads, so that the user could use only pads, only shuttles, or a hybrid of both. The 401 SD also uses an A-sized Dorothy bearing, which was replaced with a SPEC bearing later on in the yo-yo's retail lifespan.

Along with the later Adjust-O-Matic, the 401 SD is one of the very last yo-yos made as part of the F.A.S.T. 400 Series.

